Wake Up! It’s 1840!

I know, I know, who wants a blog that falls asleep for a couple of months? All I can say is that we need to live in the world, too – and get down to some hard writing when the winter festivities are cleared away…
Thanks to the delightful people who have written to say how much they enjoy the Yashim stories. Thanks too to Faber, who have come up with another cover for The Bellini Card, for the paperback edition which will be out this Spring. It’s a move away from the fruity orientalism of the Ventura artworks, which I really liked, and I’ll post it here asap. Promise.
Meanwhile the forthcoming US edition really goes to show what a difference close line-editing can make to an author’s pride, at the very least. And with that, I have to ackowledge my enormous debt to Enrico Basaglio, who read The Bellini Card for fun and made a note of all my mistakes… He’s a true Venetian, so he knows what’s what. I can’t thank him enough.
Back soon. In the meantime, here’s a piece I wrote for the FT on researching Venice:

0 thoughts on “Wake Up! It’s 1840!

    1. thebellinicard Post author

      Well, thanks. And why not? You’ll find Albanians in The Janissary Tree and in The Snake Stone… Hope you enjoy them too.

  1. Karen

    I’m so happy Yashim is back! I stumbled upon The Janissary Tree in my quest to read all of the Edgar Award winning novels and I’m so glad I did. Your series is up there with my favorites!

    1. thebellinicard Post author

      I’m happy that you’re happy: really, you’ve no idea how a cheering comment can brighten a dark week.

  2. Jaquih

    Fascinating book. Have read historical novels situated in Venice during the 1400’s and 1500’s, when Venice was a city of churches, merchants, and artists. This is a new era for me. Was disappointed in the ending. The Pasha, floating in the canal, I do hope was not Yasihm. He deserves more adventures.


  3. pajo

    Totally captivating, can not be put down once started. I am looking for the Bellini card.
    I sincerely wish that you do not loose interest in this great character you have created.

    absolutely enjoyed “The Lords of the Horizon

    many thanks


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