Judging a Book by its Cover III

Here’s the new Faber paperback cover, as promised. I think it’s great – and so, I’m glad to say, do the Waterstone’s bookshop people.

Over the past few weeks some really amazing artwork has come in – covers for The Snake Stone done by my publishers in Korea and Denmark and Russia. Also the Icelandic version of The Janissary Tree. I’ll have to get my eldest son to post them here, along with the other 38 or so covers around the world; but that’s already two books, so at least 76 covers. All of them individual, striking, different. Which goes to show that everyone’s vision is unique. And that, in turn, suggests that we are the product of our histories. Vive la difference!

0 thoughts on “Judging a Book by its Cover III

  1. Patty

    I love The Bellini Card but trying to work out what Archimedes’ diagram looks like defeats my meagre spatial skills, nor did searching the web help. Is there anywhere I can find a representation so I can follow your intricate choreography of the swordfight?

  2. Beth

    I’ve read all three Yashim novels and your book on your walk to Golden Horn and enjoyed them immensely. They left me hungry for more of Turkey and Central Europe. I would love to know if you have any favorite books novels on this part of the world. My whole family is looking forward to Bellini Card! I write from Washington, DC.

  3. thebellinicard Post author

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you for your enthusiasm! There are some wonderful books on this part of the world, histories, travels, novels…
    Here are three:
    Between the Woods and the Water, by Patrick Leigh-Fermor, tells of his youthful adventures crossing central Europe in the mid-30s. It’s written as a memoir, in the present day – but what a memory!
    Orhan Pamuk – Istanbul. This is a memoir, too, of Istanbul in the 1960s. I like his The Black Book, too.
    John Buchan – Greenmantle. Dreadful old tosh, spies, chases, imperial dreams, and all sheer fun.
    Lord Kinross – The Ottoman Centuries. Classic history.
    For a really funny travel book, Charles Kinglake’s Eothen is hard to beat.
    Philip Mansel’s Constantinople: City of the World’s Desire is scholarly and lively.
    That’s a list off the top of my head – I hope one or two strike home!

  4. Taner

    Jason Goodwin is probably one of the best writers at the moment.
    I have read The Janissary Three in Dutch and Turkish,The snake stone and the Bellini card.Wonderfull and very exciting books,thanks Jason Goodwin.Please keep on writing about The Janissarie’s.I wish you and your family good luck.Eyvallah Jason,Janissarie’s are still alive,all around the world 🙂
    And we say huuuuu….


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