Yashim Cooks Istanbul Storms US Charts!

You may imagine how thrilled I was to wake up to a fabulous piece about Yashim’s cook book on America’s number one radio show, Morning Edition. They gave it the great title: “Popular Detective Series Gets Its Own Cookbook” which is succinct, accurate and somehow funny. Very professional.

We did the interview about a month back, with Mary Louise Kelly of NPR, in my sister’s kitchen in London. Garlic, pumpkin AND fuzzy microphone.


The interview isn’t without its own drama, either – do listen to the 4 minute broadcast (and check out a few recipes) via this link:


Anyway, it’s a really generous launch present and immediately sent the book skimming up the Amazon rankings into the top 300: heady stuff for a 19th century Ottoman sleuth. Best of all, though, is the feedback from people who have started cooking from the book.

Signed copies are still available via this link: http://bit.ly/2c7fkIU and we’ll be using an express route to ship to the States, too.

0 thoughts on “Yashim Cooks Istanbul Storms US Charts!

  1. carmenmahood

    Hi Jason,
    I live in San Francisco and ordered one of your books way back when you first posted we could order one. I have not received it. Please send! Thank you.
    Carmen Mahood


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