Phew! Just letting everyone (and everyone’s wife, husband, child, neighbour) know that my first book, The Gunpowder Gardens: Travels through India and China in Search of Tea, is available on Kindle for free this weekend.
The weather looked a bit dodgy, so I thought I’d give the book away instead of doing the garden…
Download it – share it – and if you enjoy it, please don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon…
Thanks – I’d downloaded it already. Can’t rememeber if I paid something for it. Too hot to handle at the moment – 32°C in the shade…
I tried clicking on the Amazon link for the US and all I got was an offer to purchase the book at regular Kindle price, or borrow it if I am a ‘prime’ member. Is that what Jason intended?
Richard Richard B. Jacobson, Ph.D., J.D. RICHARD B. JACOBSON & ASSOCIATES, LLC Lawyers Suite 301 No. 131 W. Wilson St. Madison WI 53703 USA Tel. +608.204.5990 Se non e vero…
No – it should have been free over the weekend. Maybe you jumped the gun?
Oh is it free but not to Australians? Or hasn’t it started yet?
Do you plan to have a NOOK version as well?
It should be available on Nook – do let me know if it works or not…! I don’t have a reader.