China publishing

Rain, falling on wet snow: a day of incipient gloom and indoor-ishness, with that sniffle making its way through each member of the family – towards me.

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And then:


It is the Chinese edition of my Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire.

It is also my favourite cover yet – gorgeous colour, great lettering.

549752-1  9785389024991  9788420643168  79542_lordsofthehorizons_jkt-1

Not only does it look like a product of the Silk Road – a bag of rice, perhaps, or a box of Turkish Delight – but it feels like one, too. The cover is smooth and quite thin, and the paper inside is Chinese, old-school, slightly rough, off-white.

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The book itself is heavily and brilliantly illustrated, in black and white – and it comes with another little book, ‘An Ottoman Handbook’, with an illustrated glossary of Ottoman terms and practices. What a good idea! I wish we could have one of those in English.

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0 thoughts on “China publishing

  1. Patti Tetrault

    Please keep writing, Jason. I’m all out of your books!
    Thank you for making Yashim and Istambul so alive, Years ago, probably right after my first visit there forty years ago, I bought a great book:” Aspects of a city”
    by Michael Pereira
    1968,published by: Geoffrey Bles LTD Istanbul. Lots of maps of the city,old and modern. Do you know it? It was my bible for a long time.


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