The e-book featuring some Yashim recipes came out lacking the first few chapters of An Evil Eye, but that’s fixed now.
It’s called Cooking with Yashim and it’s available in North America to dowload for free.
For ipods and ipads and phones –
and on Kindle –
I love reading your books. Lately I am interested in cooking traditional Turkish dishes. I realized when I read Yashim’s latest adventure I can get his recipes from your site. I downloaded the iPod version to my MacPro to read with iTunes. No success. It is not possible to read iBooks on a PC or Mac using iTunes, and I do not want to put this file to my iPod. I cannot possibly read his recipes in a tiny screen. Is it possible just to provide a pdf version? It is not a fancy format maybe but it is universal. I would even print them so that I can cook his delicious dishes by reading the recipe on a piece of paper. Yashim would have done so too.
Tesekkurler. .
Hello Jason,
Not everybody who reads your books have iPhone, iPad, Kindle etc. and even if it is free this document cannot be read in iTunes on a PC. So please supply it as a simple pdf or even text format so everybody who wants to use these delicious recipes can enjoy them. Thank you.
Dear Cem,
Thanks for writing. I agree – it’s ridiculous to depend on e-gadgetry! Here’s my solution: over the next few days I’ll post those recipes here, one by one, for everyone to enjoy. Good idea!
all best,