What is it about eating and writing? As George III didn’t say: ‘Gobble, gobble, gobble, Mr Gibbon.’
Maybe authors work too close to their kitchens to keep away? And cooking has to be the ultimate displacement activity…
In my case it’s also an element of the research I put into the Yashim stories.
Here’s a link to an interview I gave recently, on an interesting website called authors in the kitchen…
Please, more recipes! We have a marvelous Turkish restaurant Tallula here in Chapel Hill North Carolina and we want them to prepare a “Yashim” specialty chapter by chapter using the Janissary Tree or perhaps the Bellini Card.
Dear Claire,
What a brilliant idea – do invite me!
I recently met you on a course at West Dean and your enthusiasm stimulated me to buy The Janissary Tree. Reading it, I had to try George’s fish with walnut & garlic sauce. Now I’m enthusiastic; I have to buy the other books, if only for the recipes! It’s no hardship; the story between the meals is good reading, too.
Best wishes,
Hi Mike,
Now I’ve just finished An Evil Eye, the fourth Yashim story – with a great fish recipe! Out next year… So glad you enjoyed the books.
Dear Mister Goodwin,
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful books! My husband and I are from Serbia and I must say that you are a star here, we are also very pleased that you mention few times Belgrade and Serbia in your books. 300 years under Turkish empire left so many things in our culture and you are describing many of them very authentically.
So if you are passing by with your wife trough this part of Balkan give us a call and we will take you to some great food witch still has so many Turkish flavors 😀
We can hardly wait for your new book!!
Thanks, Milena, for your lovely invitation! I’m delighted you have enjoyed the books, too: more on the way!
I’m reading “Il ritratto Bellini”, translated into Italian. There the word “cicchetti” to say as they are called the meze in Venice. In Italy “cicchetto” (plural cicchetti) is something alcoholic to drink.
I discovered your books recently, I really beautiful!
(English is not my own, did everything Google translate)
Wow, just discovered and read The Bellini Card – you can bet I’m going to read the rest of your books. I have been to Istanbul. A more fascinating place is hard to imagine.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful – mouthwatering too 😉
Aaah, books! They provide soooo much pleasure. Thank you. I for one, am willing to wait however long it takes for you to provide more ….the whole deal.
Most sincerely,
Satyavati (Whidbey Island, WA, USA)
I agree – isn’t Istanbul completely facinating? I think the next book will be coming your way in the Spring of 2011: An Evil Eye.
Tell me – you jumped in and read The Bellini Card ‘out of sequence’. I’d be curious to know how you react to reading The Janissary Tree and The Snake Stone afterwards. The Bellini Card can stand alone but there’s some background stuff in the earlier books which might amuse you (and more food!)
reading your other readers ….. I am also crazy about food: it is very good idea to make a Yasim dinner; I did it years ago with Like water for chocolate, and it was a lot of fun.
Any suggestions? Do you think an spanish wine will go with it?